The Connection Between Mental Health And Social MediaHuman beings need the companionship of other people. This connection that we share with other people can impact our happiness and mental health. By connecting to others on social media, we can ease our anxiety, stress, and depression, prevent loneliness, provide comfort, boost self-worth, and even increase our life. However, there is a flip side to it. Studies have shown that social media can risk our emotional and mental health. In today's world, we use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Snapchat to find and connect with other people. And while there are several benefits to it, it is important to understand that social media is not a replacement for real human connections. To trigger hormones that can alleviate stress and feel happy, healthy, and positive, you need to have in-person contact. Ironically, a technology for bringing people closer together can sometimes make people feel isolated and lonely. By spending too much time on social media, you can exacerbate mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Even though social media has been in existence for more than a decade, there isn't much research establishing the long-term consequences of social media use. However, some studies have found a strong link between prolonged use of social media and risk for anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. Here is how social media can promote negative experiences and affect your mental health:
by IC mag Contributors
August 2023