Starting college with lots of other students you do not know can be nerve-racking. The first thing to remember though is that most of them are in the same position as you, and probably just as nervous. Getting through the first semester is the worst, as by the end of it they will no longer be strangers. Once you have made friends and got into the college routine life will become easier. If you are off to college soon, here are a few tips that might help you. When You Are In Your Room, Keep Your Door Open Keeping your door open is like an invitation for other students to come in and introduce themselves. You may be surprised by how many will pop in to say hi, and that can be the first step to making friends. By the same token, if you pass someone else’s door that has been left open, don’t be afraid to speak to them. They are just doing the same as you, and at the end of the day, everyone wants to make new friends. Use The Laundry Facilities Use the laundry facilities your college offers as you are bound to come across other students doing the same. Things such as doing your laundry can easily be a way of making new acquaintances. It will also make sure you have clean clothes. Consider Joining Societies Societies are a great way of connecting with other students, and you may well learn things that will help you manage college life. Most colleges have societies of some sort. You can read more here to see just how useful they can be. If you choose the right one, you could be set up for life. There are usually societies for all different interests, and it is not a bad idea to join one that is dedicated to something you know very little about. By doing this you will widen your circle of acquaintances, and it is never a bad thing to put on your CV after your studies are finished. Employers are often attracted to people who have done more than just their studies, Plan Your Money You have to make your money last. That will happen if you prepare a budget, and stick to it. Make a list of everything you are going to have to pay out first, and set that money to one side., Whatever is left is yours for food, entertainments book, travel and anything else you have to do. It is best to split it into equal amounts for the length of your first semester. It may not be a great deal, but by doing it this way you will not get to the last few weeks with nothing left at all. Even if you manage to find a few hours work each week does not mean you will have more money than you need. You have to remember that there are times you will not be able to do it, such as revision periods just before exams. You should always treat it as extra money and save as much of it as you can. If you become reliant on what you can earn, you will be heading for financial disaster. In fact, the sensible thing to do would be to save half and use the other half if it makes life easier. Then at times when you cannot work, you will have some money to fall back on Make Sure Not To Neglect Your Studies This one might sound obvious, but once you get caught up in college life it is very easy to neglect your studies. With parties and many other events, you will sometimes just have to say no. You are there to earn qualifications, and you will regret it if you get to the end and fail because you did not study enough. Don’t let anyone push you into going out when you know you have work to do, or you just don’t feel like it. No one will know better than you what you have to do, so trust yourself and say no if you need to. Study Buddies Study buddies can make it so much easier to motivate yourself to get down to work. You are no longer just letting you down if you are not studying as much as you should, and this is a great way of making new friends. One for each subject is the ideal, especially the more difficult ones. Give Yourself Enough Time You will not be able to get from one side of the college to the other in under a minute, so don’t try to. Give yourself enough time to get to the classes so you are not stressed out before the lesson even starts. Tutors will not like it if you interrupt lessons by being late, so do not let yourself be. Have Some You Time College life can be very busy. With classes, studying, parties, meals, laundry and everything else you have to do they will not be much time just for you. However, you time is vitally important. You need time to just relax and do whatever you want, even if that is only for a couple of hours each week. That time should be spent on anything other than college work so that you have a complete break from it. Always Be Yourself Never try to be someone you are not. Every person is unique, and everyone has his or her good and not so good traits. No one is worth worrying yourself over because there is something about you they do not like. If anyone cannot accept you as you are, that is their loss, not yours. Always be yourself. Trust Your Own Instincts This could be the first time you are in charge of your own destiny. There could well be situations where you parents might have stopped you getting involved while you were at home. Now it is up to you to trust your own instincts. If something does not feel right, walk away. Don’t let anyone push you into anything you know is wrong, as you will regret later.
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