Source: Pixabay Grab A Toy! One of the best ways to relieve stress is to focus on something else entirely which is why many relaxation techniques involve reading a book, playing a video game, watching a funny movie or just simply going for a walk. However, unless your boss is cool with you playing candy crush at your desk, you may need a more office-appropriate option. Stress relieving toys like stress balls, fidget cubes, anxiety busters, tangle therapy relaxers and mini desk sculptures can be found in thousands of offices. They engage the brain in simple tasks while reducing the physical feelings of stress such as feeling sick, sweating, light headedness as well as boosting blood circulation. Stress toys are also perfect for helping to promote concentration, reduce procrastination and keep you feeling level headed. Source: Negative Space Consider Self Care Ever heard the expression making a mountain out of a molehill? Obviously, some situations such as losing your job, family breakdown, breaking up and moving house are particularly difficult, but it’s also good to take a deep breath, count to five and examine everything from another angle. Stress can have some surprising side effects including the early onset of wrinkles, gray hairs and even bald patches which may then need special treatment as womens hair loss can have a real impact on both self-esteem as well as lead to some pretty awkward questions. If you’ve been skipping meals, not sleeping at night or having one too many glasses of wine with dinner, then it’s fairly easy to assume you aren’t taking care of yourself. Source: Pixabay Challenge Unhelpful Thoughts It’s hard to feel confident when it seems like your entire life is out of control, but it’s important you don’t listen to inner self-doubt. Even though you think you’ll never reach that deadline, get over your partner moving out or get back in the black after some unexpected medical bills eventually this too must pass. One tip to feel better is to write down everything you like about yourself, have daily affirmations that you say before work or think about what you feel is happening as opposed to what’s really going on. For example, you may believe that you're bad at your job but your boss is quite impressed with your work ethic! Source: Chevanon Photography Build Up A Support System You know that glossy smartphone you take to work every day? Believe it or not, it doesn’t just send you irritating Facebook notifications you can also use it to phone family, friends and loved ones if you’re having a rough day. Honestly, no matter what problem you’re dealing with knowing that someone else’s got your back makes all the difference.
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