Graduating from college is an amazing accomplishment and one that you should be very proud of. It doesn’t matter what major you chose or what your plans are for the future, you’ve made it - you’re going to be a graduate, congratulations (and a bottle of bubbly) are definitely in order. Although getting to don a cap and gown and go on stage and collect a scroll is exciting, there’s more to your graduation than that. It’s a big day - the day you graduate - so you should make the most of every second of it. The chances are that your parents probably have a couple of surprises in store for you, after all, it’s not every day that you graduate, is it? However, it’s still a good idea to put a plan in place to ensure that your graduation day is as memorable as you always dreamt it would be. Source for image
There’s more to graduating than the cap, gown, and scroll, and it’s important to understand that. |
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