Does anyone really look forward to a first date? First dates are supposed to be exciting, a time for discovery and getting to know the quirks and laugh of someone new. You’ve agreed to the date because you’re interested in the person who has asked you out. The thing is, no matter which way you look at it, a first date is but an interview - not for a job, of course, but for a partner. You use this time to see how the conversation flows. You know whether they’re funny. If you’re really interested, you see how they land their vote politically, too. It’s all-important, and yet so many things can go wrong on a date. This is where the nerves kick in. Will it be the spinach in the teeth of old? Will it be the brownie you bite into that breaks your tooth enough to need same day tooth crowns sorted out? Will you get plain old stood up? The nerves are real, and the things that can go wrong on a first date are also real. They can seriously test you and knock your confidence, so forewarned is forearmed! Let’s take a look at things that could go wrong on the next first date you have - so you can be ready for anything.
By IC mag Contributors
It happens to us all - if you’re a living, breathing human being, you’ve likely had a health scare or some weird thing happen that you’re unsure about, a little bit nervous, a lot embarrassed, and you’re just not quite sure you’re up to talking about it. For you, the embarrassment factor outweighs your desire to get answers, so you don’t bring it up and hope for the best. A lot of times whatever we’re worrying about is nothing (if you’re a fan of “Doctor Google” you’ve no doubt had more than one totally unfounded freak-out session. Seriously, don’t google your symptoms!), but there are a few instances where you should forget about the awkward factor and always talk to your doctor. We’ve laid out a few of these scenarios below:Photo Credit: Birdie Wyatt
Image Source Pixabay - CCO Licence Whether you’ve been with your spouse for a year or you’ve been married for a decade, and no matter how good your relationship might be, things can get comfortable; you can get complacent; issues can creep in where there were no issues before. That’s why relationships have to be worked on all the time. If you’ve decided it's time work on your relationship to make it the best it can be, here are a few things you can do:Ask Something Different Most of us have a set a few questions that we ask our partners each day. Things like “What was your day like at work?” and “Did you have fun with Jen?” are repeated day after day, and that can get, well, repetitive. Maybe it even sounds like a question out of obligation, though it's probably not at all the intention. So, why not shake things up by asking something new, something unexpected that will break the routine and make things a bit more intriguing. Get creative. Try New Things in The Bedroom Many sex therapists recommend shaking things up in the bedroom. Intimacy is important in a relationship and the bedroom should be a safe space for you and your partner to be vulnerable and share your fantasies. Both feeling comfortable and exploring that together evolves the partnership and allows romance back into your lives. Image Source Pixabay - CCO Licence Show Your Appreciation When you’re comfortable in a relationship you get used to the little things your spouse does for you, which means you can overlook them and neglect to show any appreciation. You can expect things and forget how important it is to see each other and appreciate the partnership. Getting creative in all aspects helps the relationship. Doing little spontaneous things like, buying a plant, flowers or even a cake from that favorite spot of hers or his. Forgive and Let Go If your partner has hurt you in some way and it led to an argument, remember forgiveness and empathy. Once you’ve found the space to forgive, allow yourself the opportunity to let go. Bringing it up will only harm your well being and your relationship. This will make for a much more grown-up and harmonious relationship. Talk it through, listen to each other, and if you must, agree to disagree. Apologize Conversely, when you’ve done something that hurts both your partner and your relationship, don’t be stubborn - apologize. Grow together in the relationship through maturity, learned mistakes, and new choices. This will help both of you. Have Plenty of Me Time Part of building a healthy relationship is having time apart. Spending time catering to your own needs means that you will be happier, healthier, and grounded. It will benefit you both having time for your own individual needs. Remember, you can only make you happy. We are all individually responsible for our own choices and happiness. While we are still in the midst of winter, there is no doubt that your mind might be occupied by the spring and summer months ahead. Planning can be key, especially when it comes to changes with your wardrobe selections. So what should you be thinking about? With that in mind, here are some of the perfect additions you can add to your wardrobe to make the whole dilemma of what to wear that little bit easier when warmer weather sneaks in... You’re welcome!Think about cooler materials When it comes to summer, we can often find that we struggle because of the heat. Getting too hot, sweaty and generally feeling uncomfortable is never pleasant, especially when you still have a job to do and things to organise. So the materials you choose for the clothing you wear in the summer can make a dramatic difference. Cooler materials include things like linen, silk and cotton. Adding key pieces to your wardrobe that use these materials can help you to feel light and cooler in your outfit choices. What is your style and “go to” pieces? A great thing to consider at this time of year, especially if you are wanting to add to your wardrobe, is to think about the “go to” pieces that you constantly wear all of the time. If you are a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, then you can still rock that signature look, but for summer it might be cut off jeans and a cotton slogan t-shirt. If that makes sense. Think about the body shape you have and what sort of clothing will work well. Don’t forget the accessories When it comes to an outfit there is only one real big way to transform the look and make it look a little more different and finished off. That is through your choice of accessories. From the choice of earrings such as spiral earrings for a minimalistic look to the statement necklace there is bound to be a different trend you can follow. Some prefer to keep to the essentials, like an engagement or wedding ring and standard stud earrings. But it doesn’t mean you can’t add to it, and try something a little different. Why don’t you step out of your comfort zone? Finally, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try a different style for summer. Maybe a maxi dress if you always live in jeans. Perhaps adding some colour if you prefer to always wear black. Small changes like this can make a big difference to how you look and is an excellent way of boosting your confidence. Don’t go overboard straight away, clothing is an expression of your personality, and so you want to ensure that you stick with a style that you are comfortable with, while trying to add some new touches. Colour and different textures are two great places to start with this, but don’t be afraid to try something new. We hope these tips help you add some new things to your summer wardrobe. And remember, most of it is about attitude. So be yourself, honor who you are, and rock that style that is true to you. When the sweet tooth calls, sometimes we feel the need to respond with more than just a berry. This comment was not created to offend any berries or lover of berries. We love them, we eat them, we savor them. In fact, you can totally try your favorite berry on top of these delicious cupcakes you're about to make. They're fluffy, light, and inspired by some favorite recipes to make these cupcakes both healthy-ish and delicious.Process Mix in ingredients in the order listed Pour mix in cupcake liners Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees F (or insert a toothpick and if clean, it's ready) Let sit for a few minutes Add in your favorite vegan frosting or heat up some fruit with coconut milk and pour over cupcake. Enjoy! Let us know if you like and share your photos with us on social media!
Well, we’re going to give you some tips that we think will help you do your best, and battle away some of the rubbish that the world might throw at you.Healthcare Scandals There are so many things going on in this world that we don’t know about, and the scandals that go on behind closed doors of healthcare institutes are one of them. You would think that these people would be the people who you can trust the most, but the mistreatment some professionals give to patients is terrible. What makes it worse is that it’s most likely the most vulnerable that are being neglected or abuse. So, you could put your elderly relative into a nursing home because you think it’s the best thing for them, but nursing homes have the worst reputation of mistreating their patients. For example, nursing home bedsores are one of the most common signs of neglect that people ignore. Bedsores just shouldn’t happen. Residents should be moved every hour to make sure that their skin stays healthy and intact, but there are so many cases of bedsores that it’s hard to count. So, always make sure you’re doing thorough research into any healthcare establishment you’re going into, whether it be for yourself or for a relative. Relationship Betrayals Being betrayed in your relationship is one of the worst feelings in the world, but it’s definitely a feeling that so many people have. It’s likely that most women are going to go through a relationship breakup that they didn’t want through cheating, or something similar. It can be truly heartbreaking, but it’s so important to remember it’s not your fault. As long as you can say that you put in all the effort to make sure that they were happy and you were both happy, then it wasn’t your fault. Everyone is destined to meet their one true love, so don’t give up hope on yours just because you’ve had to kiss a few toads first. A Terrible Work Life One that we can definitely all relate to, terrible work life can make you wonder what the point in working is. Some people have such terrible experiences, such as bullying or sexual abuse. In this instance, always make sure you’re seeking legal advice! by IC mag Contributors
Finding the home of your dreams might not sound like a realistic aim, but we’ve all got to reach for the stars in life from time to time. Why settle for a place that doesn’t quite work for you and your family when you could instead find a place that genuinely makes you happy each and every day? Here’s what it means to find the home of your dreams and what it takes. Tempering Your Aims with Realism First of all, you should look to find a dream home without completely letting go of your sense of realism. If you head to an estate agent such as William Pitt Realty, you should look for places that offer all of the things you need while also falling within your price range. There’s no way to buy a house that you simply have no way of affording after all. Not Feeling Constrained by Expectations You shouldn’t worry too much about what people tell you that you should look for in a new home. After all, it’s you and your family who will be living in your home, no one else. Many of us still worry too much about people’s expectations and what people see as normal or desirable. You’ll find it easier to find the home that’s right for you if you stop worrying about what other people think. Thinking Outside the Box When you think outside the box in life you can find all kinds of new ideas and possibilities that you would never have given any time or thought to in the past. Don’t feel like you have to look at houses that fit a conventional mold. Look further afield if you think that’s where you might find the home that you’ve been searching for. Taking All Needs Into Account When buying a family home, you can’t afford to get too wrapped up in the things you want. After all, it’s a team effort and a collaboration. Take everyone’s needs into account so that each of you can feel like you’re living in a place that really meets your needs and does everything you want it to. Considering the Future and Not Just Today Try to look to the future and work out what you’re going to need in a few years time, not just today. After all, our needs change as time passes. Considering the future and what might come will help you to find a home that not only delivers what you need it to do today but also in the years still to come as well. If you take all of the things discussed above into account, you should find it much easier to find a home that ticks all of your boxes and also works functionally for you and your family. It can be a difficult balance to strike at times, but if you put in the work now, it’ll really pay off for you later. by IC mag Contributors
From playing videogames to watching cartoons on Netflix, many children seem to be spending more of their time indoors instead of playing outside like in previous generations. Because of this, a lot of studies have been conducted to highlight the adverse effects of increased time indoors and proper play space designs on children's wellbeing and development. Also, there has also been increased research on the many benefits of spending time outdoors. Here are some of them:
These, however, don't mean they should give up and never try again. These are important lessons that will help them later on in life. by IC Mag contributors
With the following advice, we’ll help you find that worthy middle ground:Youthful Treatments A youthful treatment here and there needn’t be as intrusive as many you see, but they may be just as effective. For instance, Thermage treatments are non-invasive radiofrequency treatments that allow the skin to stay healthy, supple and youthful, giving you a radiant glow that can help you look even more beautiful when smiling with authenticity and youthful vigor. With added considerations such as worthwhile skin care treatments, you can truly get the best out of your approach. Weight Maintenance Keeping an eye on your weight can be a little more difficult as you age, but that shouldn’t stop you from applying worthwhile eating habits and getting exercise where you can. Keeping your waistline in check can help you age more slowly, it can help your skin retain its beauty, and it will also lower your chances of dealing with age-related symptoms and stressors. In this way you can quite literally feel years younger than you might have otherwise, and of course age is nothing if not a predictor for how you feel in your body and how well you retain your youthful vigor and attitude. The Style Is Yours Keeping an eye on your style can help you feel confident, it can help you look younger, and it can also help you avoid dressing ‘as an old person’ simply because you feel you’ve hit a certain age. Of course, if you’re in your mid-fifties then wearing pencil-thin miniskirts and bralettes to the local club may not be something that interests you, but that doesn’t mean you should only wear drab cardigans and forgo any sense of fashion curation, or feel ashamed to have your hair dyed or to keep up with trends that interest you. When you understand that the style is yours, you can better use it to your advantage. With this advice, we hope you can age gracefully and with confidence. By IC Mag contributors
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