Legumes are beans, peas, and, believe it or not, peanuts. They are beneficial for our health and our skin. The beneficial properties of this food are endless. But let’s begin with the most notable nutrient, protein. Have you ever noticed that a lot of plant-based foods include beans? That’s because legumes are rich in protein and taste. Fun Fact: Legumes are also referred to as “the meat of the poor.” That’s because legumes contain similar nutrients to the ones found in animal products, like red meat, tuna, and chicken. The difference is they’re not as high in saturated fats as meat. Plus, meat takes longer to digest. In an article published by Harvard Health Publishing, Doctor and professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dr. Meir Stampfer said, “It seems clear that replacing red meat with legumes can reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and even certain forms of cancer.” This fact alone makes this superfood superior to animal products. Dr. Stampfer also pointed out that “eating more legumes not only helps get rid of some of the adverse effects of red meat, but it’s also a big win for the environment.” So, if you’re looking to feel good, both physically and emotionally, legumes are a great choice for a healthy switch. Legumes are rich in fiber, iron, and folate. They’re abundant in potassium and help maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. It’s also important to note that black and dark beans are the easiest to digest, followed by red and white beans. The darker the color, the smoother the digestion and the richer the taste. According to Dr. Jorge D. Pamplona Roger, author of El Poder de Los Alimentos (The Power of Foods), 'legumes are a good source of niacin or vitamin B3 and pantothenic acid, aka vitamin B5.' These two vitamins alone are necessary for maintaining healthy skin. You may remember these two ingredients as they are found in many skincare products, and with reason. It is no secret lentils, chickpeas, beans, peanuts, and all legumes are good for your health, both internally and externally. Beans are healthy, rich in flavor, and versatile. You'll find them in veggie burgers, soups, and even baked goods. They make transitioning into a plant-based lifestyle simple. some legume recipes
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Having both jaws perfectly aligned is ideal, but not everyone has perfect jaw alignment. This misalignment is known as a malocclusion. For the treatment of malocclusion, people need to take orthodontic help. If left untreated, malocclusions can cause severe orthodontic problems in the future. Let us understand the eight different types of bite problems that can be treated:1. Crossbite In a crossbite, the teeth are not aligned properly and can appear disrupted. Patients may have to move their upper jaw to one side to close their mouth properly. A retainer or palate expander can be used to correct a crossbite. 2. Underbite If the lower jaw protrudes out more than the upper jaw, the person has underbite issues. If not treated on time, this can lead to a host of other bite problems. It also causes facial asymmetry. Underbites can be corrected by growth modification of jaws, extraction of teeth, palatal expansion, and in some cases the surgical movement of the jaws. 3. Open bite In an open bite, the upper and lower jaw both are not aligned with each other. This creates a space between the upper and lower teeth. It can cause severe chewing issues. Open bites can be corrected through the extrusion of teeth, growth modification of the jaws, and surgical correction of jaws. 4. Overbite In an overbite, the teeth of the upper jaw rest in front of the lower jaw. The teeth overlap in such a way that it hides the lower teeth altogether. Thus, the smile may show fewer teeth and more gums. Overbites can cause wearing down of incisors and lead to protruding lips. Overbites can be treated by levelling of front and back teeth. 5. Crowding This happens when teeth don’t have sufficient space to erupt from the gums. It is linked to periodontal problems and dental decay as it is harder to clean overlapping teeth surfaces. Braces are used to fix teeth crowding. 6. Spacing If the structure of the jaw is too big, and the teeth have ample space to erupt, teeth spacing problems arise. In case you have a missing tooth or have had some teeth removed, the rest of the teeth find enough room to spread out, causing spacing problems. Braces are used to correct spacing issues in the mouth. In severe cases, orthognathic surgery is also used to reshape the jaw. 7. Dental Midlines not Matched For the jaw to function normally, without disruptions, the dental midlines should be attached to the jaw. Although the alignment is for aesthetic reasons, if left untreated, it can lead to other bite problems. Misplaced midlines are treated by using braces. In some cases, surgery of the jaw may be required. 8. Protrusion It is characterized by the upper jaw protruding forward extensively. The functionality of the teeth and jaw are compromised, and the person cannot bite or use their front teeth properly. The regular use of braces can correct the protrusion of the teeth. If you suspect having any of the above bite problems, contact your orthodontist today, so that they can be treated in time. Emily Taylor found the perfect fit for herself as the Online Marketing Manager at Thurman Orthodontics in Fresno, CA as she believes that a great smile does more than just make a person look great – it makes them feel great as well. The power of a smile has always been a mystery to Emily, and she loves researching and writing about it. She loves to write about everything to do with a healthy bite and a beautiful smile – weather is it ways to achieve it or the importance of it in the various aspects of life. What brings a big smile on Emily’s face is her family and surfing. She also likes to bake, and her children and co-workers call her the cookie fairy!
Start gaining better mental health by sticking to a few small changes.Re-evaluate your self-talk We all have that voice in our heads that constantly nags us about our fears and anxieties. You may not notice it, but this voice shapes your self-identity and affects how you feel about yourself. One tiny but effective step to achieving better mental health this year is to re-evaluate how you talk to yourself. Like many of us, your self-talk voice is probably negative and critical. After all, it is human nature to be quick to judge yourself and focus on your weaknesses rather than your strengths and potentials. But by being mindful, you can shift your self-talk to a kinder and more compassionate tone. In time, your usual self-talk dialogues like "I'm so stupid" can turn into kinder phrases like "I'm learning and growing." Practice saying "no" The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to stay home and practically say "no" to different things. Many of us were able to slow down, pick a hobby, and spend more time with our loved ones at home and virtually. While a pandemic isn't good news, the habit of slowing down and saying "no" benefits your mental health. Even in the post-pandemic era, you have a right to say no. That includes invitations, requests, and practically anything that you don't have mental space for at the moment. You also don't have to justify your "nos" if you don't want to. Your time and energy are your most precious resources; use them wisely. Say yes to joy Once you've learned to say no, you can have more time and energy for activities that can bring you joy. Prioritizing happiness may look different for everyone. It could be as simple as making a cup of coffee in the morning. It could also mean traveling to a new place or watching your favorite TV show with friends. No matter how you define joy, what matters is that you actively work to cultivate happiness in your life. This can remind you how fun and special life is-that you can be happy on most days, not just only on weekends or holidays. To put it simply, be intentional in infusing more joy into your day, every day. Don't be shy to ask for help Another thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us is that we don't have to do it all alone. We may be isolated from our loved ones, but this doesn't mean we can't reach out to them online. This reminds us that we're social creatures-though socially distanced, we are meant to be connected to each other. So instead of shouldering everything yourself, ask for help. If you feel down and don't have the energy to run errands, there may be people in your life who would love to lend you a hand when given the chance. And if you're struggling with your mental health and immediate support from loved ones isn't enough, seek out professional help. That's one of the kindest things you can do for your mental health this year. 2020 was tough for us. As you begin moving through the days of this year, work on improving your mental health. Keep your goals realistic and stick first to a few small changes that can hugely impact your life. By Iconic Chica mag Contributor
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