College is the best time of your life. You have your youth, your future ahead of you and your mind awash with the potential to learn. That's the part you're okay with. Then there's the social side. Pledging; parties; meeting new people and sharing your life story with the people who may ultimately become your best friend. Most college websites are full of photos of people hugging, beaming into the camera at what look like parties of the whole campus. For most, that's exciting. A chance to meet new people. But for the introvert, it's almost a threat. You will meet new people. You will converse with them. You will run the gauntlet every day, finishing your days exhausted, head aching and needing to sit in silence for half an hour before you start studying. For introverts, the presence of other people is all well and good - up to a point. The fundamental difference that separates them the introverts from the extroverts is that other people drain an introvert, sapping their energy. For an extrovert, the opposite is true, and they get their energy from others. They can handle college fine, but can introverts? If you're due to start college and are wondering how you can handle it as an introvert, then you need a |
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