We all know how important school is. It’s a place where we learn and socialize with our peers. But, at times, the distractions all around us can veer us off the studious path! You don’t have to stop seeing your friends or stop playing video games to be a better student, though. Here are some proactive things you can do to get your studies back on track… Question Everything You may start to annoy your teachers but question everything. If there’s even the slightest thing you’re unsure of, you must ask. Even if you want to ask about something related to the same topic, do it. It can seem daunting to raise your hand in class and admit you’re a bit confused, but the chances are other people are too. Asking questions is also a great way to learn. You’ll almost get a bit of one-on-one teaching to make sure you understand the point being made. Always question and be curious, it will make you a far better student. Be CuriousBeing curious is a great way to enhance your knowledge of a subject. If you spoke about something interesting in class, why not get a book out the library or watch a film on the same subject? Your curiosity could lead to further research outside of class, which will furnish you with some extra knowledge for exams and in the classroom. Ask a teacher if you need help finding sources to read outside of school hours. Read MoreReading is hugely beneficial to any student. It increases our vocabulary, which is great for tests. It also gives us an entertaining way to learn about life. Plus, if English is your subject of choice, you’ll be getting ideas about how to create characters, landscapes, and scenes. If you struggle with long passages of complex words, consider using graphic novels. There are educational ones out there for any visual learners. Take Care of YourselfBeing a great student is as much about what goes on outside of the classroom, as inside it. Make sure your lifestyle is a good one. Eating nutritious meals and exercising are great ways to destress after a long school day and refuel for the next. Don’t let stress derail your studies. If you’re finding yourself becoming overwhelmed take a walk or go for a jog to clear your head. If you have real difficulty dealing with stress, seek the advice of a counselor at school. They will be able to give you some learning aids to help. Study PurposefullyDon’t choose to meet up with your study group unless you’re actually going to study. Only you know the answer to this, and in the end, you're only fooling yourself. Socializing is important, but when it's time to revise for an exam or do an assignment, you need to be productive. Working in groups works for some people, but not everyone. Be honest with yourself about what works for you.
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