This may not come as a shock to you, but we, as a nation, are working harder than ever. We’re putting in more hours than ever at work, taking fewer holidays and, in a challenging economy,m many of us are taking up night jobs and side hustles to keep our bank balance in the black. In this climate, the last thing that the modern woman has the time to do is prepare delicious and nutrient rich foods to keep herself operating at peak efficiency.
The lure of the vending machine is ever present and threatens to derail all of her health and fitness goals. But how can she possibly make sure she gets all of the nutrients she needs for a healthy life when she’s on her feet for most of the day? Fortunately, we live in an age where technology and food science has made getting good quality nutrition easier than ever. While vitamin supplements are cheaper and more readily available than ever there’s no substitute from getting your nutrition from natural (and if possible organic) sources. HERE ARE SOME QUICK AND EASY WAYS FOR EVEN THE BUSIEST WOMAN |
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October 2023