Directed by Travis Knight, Kubo and the Two Strings stars as voice cast Charlize Theron, Art Parkinson, Ralph Fiennes, Rooney Mara, George Takei, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Brenda Vaccaro, and Matthew McConaughey. This animated epic adventures was written by Marc Haimes and Chris Butler (“ParaNorman”).
and solve the mystery of his fallen father, the greatest samurai warrior the world has ever known. With the help of his shamisen – a magical musical instrument – Kubo must battle gods and monsters, including the vengeful Moon King (Academy Award nominee Ralph Fiennes) and the evil twin Sisters (Academy Award nominee Rooney Mara), to unlock the secret of his legacy, reunite his family, and fulfill his heroic destiny. Kubo and the Two Strings opens in theaters nationwide on August 19, 2016. by IC editors
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